Tuesday 24 December 2013

It's Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all readers out there. It's been one long year for all of us, and am I the only one who sometimes thinks Christmas brings out the worst in some people? Right now my sister is taking out her anger on some sausage roll pastry, also why would the day after goodwill and peace on Earth be called boxing day if things weren't sure to get ugly! 

The radio stations have been playing Christmas songs since December 1st so forgive me if I don't put any Mariah Carey Christmas songs on.

If your still shopping now I would say shame on you but your probably berating yourself enough in your head (and sometimes out loud ) for the both of us. Maybe my friend was right; Christmas is just as consumerist as Valentine's day and sometimes just as much of a pain up the rear. Especially with the homework I've got (I'm a big procrastinator)

Don't "Bah Humbug" me  though I'm not  as mean as this guy:

Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!” 
― Dr. Seuss

This quote has been in my face for the past few weeks... It's on a large billboard near my house. 

Now for a selection of Christmas songs (you knew this was coming).

Monday 9 December 2013


We all know where we were when Nelson Mandela died.(Actually I found out the next morning).Either way, whatever you thought of him, he did change the world for the better and in my eyes he was a hero who faced cruelty and oppression to bring peace to a country torn by racism.There have been many films made about him, but the one that stuck out to me the most was Invictus (and I haven't even watched all of it yet). The poem they used really made it come to life for me though, so here it is:


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul. 
William Ernest Henley 
Just to round this all off here's a quote from the man himself
 It always seems impossible until its done.

I guess uniting South Africa may have seemed impossibe at the time but eventually it happened and to that the world is grateful.

here's a new U2 song that tells us about ordinary love and shows how you can love anyone no matter who they are

I could only get the lyric video but anyway

Carpe Diem


Friday 15 November 2013

Running out of ideas (Help)!!

Great news. It's only 5 weeks till Christmas. Whahoo! and it's also Friday another whahoo! I'm stalling because I need something to write about besides everyone's christmas spirit or the lack of it (Bah Humbug)!

Seriously has anyone got tips on beating writer's block I can practically hear crickets chirping in my  idealess brain. has anyone watched the John Lewis Christmas advert? Some people only tunned in to the X Factor for that and said it was better than the actual show 

I need some new ideas to write about (if you've got some tell me in comments). speaking of ideas...
The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.
here's the song that was used for the John Lewis advert the ORIGINAL ONE not that Lily Allen's
vesion is bad it's just that you know how people always prefer the book to the movie adaptation? well this is one of those moments.
Carpe Diem

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Writer's Block and Remembering

Am I the only person that when I try to write I end up staring at a blank screen (or sheet of paper)for half an hour before wanting to vent my frustration to everyone around me (or bang my head repeatedly off a keyboard)? In all honesty if anyone gets me something I'll actually use more than once for Christmas then it will have to be a manual for beating writer's block.

In other news,thankfully Remembrance Day went without any unwanted surprises. I would like to know if any of my ancestors fought in either war but this will take a lot of research, also Britain has promised to give at least £10m in aid to the Philippines (I'm still praying though) I'm not sure what's going on in Syria at the moment but I hope it's getting better. but if you want to support any charities there are loads to choose from I'm supporting one called Open Doors (I haven't got the link).

here's a quote which I think shows what I'm talking about:

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi (awesome guy)

two good songs one  about change and one thats been stuck in my head for ages

Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson:
and I Will Wait by Mumford and Sons:

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Friends and Fireworks

Hi again. sorry I haven't been writing recently but I have a rule in my house which is homework before blogging so over the half term I had to bore myself to tears with Shakespeare (while scrolling through twitter and trying to read books on Amazon) and essay questions on the British constitution (snore)! 

The storm was something though, I couldn't sleep because of the wind. Sorry for the people who got their houses damaged and for those who know the people who died.

Since I'm back at school this week I haven't really caught up on the news although I did find out about Syria's chemical weapons being destroyed (finally). It's always good to see my mates though even though I've been turning into a zombie from all those late nights.

I have no idea what to write so I'm just  going to say something about friends  (best topic I could think of).
"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

You get two songs this time you lucky people! one for today's occasion Bonfire Night. "Firework" by Katy Perry (I know it's got nothing to do with the theme but the title works)! 

And one for today's theme "I'll be there for you" by The Rembrandts (Friends theme tune. I love that show)!

So two more things: could some one think of a theme and tell me in comments because I'm stuck for ideas and finally

Carpe Diem -SJ

Wednesday 23 October 2013

The Randomness of Life

Hello again. At moments like this I  sometimes feel like I'm going crazy, since every random thing life's chucking at me feels like the size of  a bus! Yeah, I know I'm rambling but I've no idea what to write so I apologise if  this post is short, this post is also random,(like all of the others) because life is random.

If the world didn't seem like it was going crazy all the time then maybe it would be better, even though sometimes the crazy things in life make the world normal(like a friend telling you about the time their hamster died of obesity because she'd been feeding it plantain)! But it would be a lot better if there were no wars  and people treated each other with dignity and Assad stopped shooting unborn babies.

But if we're gonna get any where as the next generation looks like we're gonna have to use love, friends, peace and a whole lot of chocolate (and not just the romantic kind of love).

I know I sound like one of those tortured writers in the films who only see the lighter side of life once they fall in love (so not me)!but I am really not. I just want people besides me and others I know to care about fixing the world and everyone to stop feeling like they're under pressure from everyone and everything in society

So anyway here's another quote:

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
Dr. Seuss (I may use this one a lot)

I know it's another Suess quote but I really like the rhymes .

One song to get you through the day, or night or whatever time your reading this

 So maybe The Beatles were right and actually "All you need is love." (Great, I could've used that song instead)! Oh well.

Carpe Diem


Monday 21 October 2013

Having a bad day? Hope this helps!

Do you ever have a day when you just want to go home from school or work and get lost in your imagination? Well I'm having one of those right now. After an unfortunate incident with a tripod stand during a science lesson my day has gone up on the scale of annoyingness.

I'm writing this on a rather gloomy day while having had no lunch yet I need something to stop me going over the edge of boredom and tumbling into the abyss. At the moment I'm in a room full of a lot of noisy teens and trying not to snap at the lot of them to shut up in a place they call "The Ghetto" ( it's mostly black guys that stay in here).

If anyone else is having a bad day then here's a bit of wisdom that'll help (I hope) tell me in comments

Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!
Also here's an awesome song from U2 that I hope will lift you up

So think of something to make you smile and as always:

Carpe Diem

- SJ (With three burnt fingers and one thumb)