Saturday, 12 October 2013


If your reading this then first things first. I know the title of my blog doesn't make sense but that was the only idea I could think of at the time.

 So anyway, welcome to The world as I See it which is basically a page and a half of rants by an unknown teen.This blog isn't just about my, or anyone's life in particular but about life itself (don't think of me as a hippie) 

This first post is going to be about  something that in my view is very serious and a problem  that I believe should be fixed A.S.A.P 

Somehow  Britain is behind countries like  Finland and the Netherlands in literacy  and numeracy (even though I still have no idea when you will need algebra  in every day situations)  but literacy SERIOUSLY! Britain is home to some of the best writers in the world Charles Dickens would be turning in his grave to hear that all his good (but vaguely depressing) work had been in vain and C.S. Lewis would have possibly begged Aslan to eat him than see his books not even have a page turned, because these days most kids care more about winning the X Factor than sitting down with a good book.

A Wise person once said:

  When you sell a man a book, you don't sell him 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life.
Christopher Morley

Yes I know he's not a British author, but still wise words. Besides America has a huge list of  banned books including Of Mice and Men, The Great Gatsby, and get this Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes! Oh. No. They. Didn't! 
For kids it might be upsetting "little red riding hood shoots the big bad wolf with a pistol" but banning it in general is killing comedy, how many funny takes can you have on a childhood story?!

So what I'm asking is to just pick up a book, any book and let your inner bookworm shine through! 

Carpe Diem guys! -SJ

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